Building a season-long database of evaluation forms from all perspectives (coach, peer, self, group) provides a complete picture of the player. Teachers and coaches can assist the players partake in 360º Evaluation by breaking down individual and team goals into a series of concrete, measurable behaviours. If a player wants burn and you can show them a year’s worth of records or video evidence, it’s hard to argue (usually).
Evaluation Forms Available for Download:
Personal Accountability
In my view, extrinsic motivation is fleeting but intrinsic motivation is lasting. The evaluation and assessment scheme should teach student-athletes to ask “what did I do to make things better?” and “how can I help the team improve?” This Individual Practice Reflection form is quick and easy to fill out. The goal is to make players accountable for working hard in and out of practice and balance improvement towards team and individual goals.
Assessment Report Cards
The point of this website is not to inundate student-athletes with more paper but to improve assessment throughout the season. Feedback is continuous and it’s acceptable to keep it verbal. However, the coaches should maintain records throughout the season for accurate assessment. It may be helpful to give players formal evaluations so they know precisely where they stand.
These report cards could be used after the tryouts for those who made the team and those who didn’t. Players (and cuts) will see how their skills stack up to their teammates and the team’s standards. For experienced players, there is a leadership report card to push them to take a more active role with the team. The goal of the assessment is to develop better players and better young people.
Free Throw Shooting
Red Auerbach would discuss only two statistics when negotiating contracts: the team’s winning percentage and foul shooting. Auerbach believed that all other statistics aside from free throw percentages were the result of the team’s effort, whereas the individual was responsible for their shooting from the line.
Maintain at least a record of every free throw taken during games, practices, or workouts. If there is a technical foul during a game, a coach can designate any player – on the court or on the bench – to take the free throws. The reward for the team’s best shooter is the privilege of taking those shots.
Encouraging players to keep Individual Foul Shooting Log & Goal Setting Form can be a source of motivation during the off-season.
More to Come
Other ideas and forms for 360º Evaluation will be posted in the future.